
Essential items to make your little one’s space perfect

September 2018 In General News

If your family is about to expand by welcoming a new little one into the tribe, it won’t be long until that nesting instinct kicks in and the time comes to set up a space they’ll be able to call their own.

Whether you’re setting up a nursery for the first time or you already have older children but need a refresher on what you’ll need to get set-up, here’s a run-down of the essential items that will help you create a beautiful sanctuary that’s set to spark your little one’s imagination and encourage them to dream big.

The practical things

Not only will your nursery one day provide your little one with a space of their own, but it will also provide a much-needed space for the many naps, nursing and nappy changes that will happen along the way.

The first thing you’ll need is somewhere for your little one to sleep. While they’ll most likely happily sleep in a bassinet in your room for the first few months of their life, the time will come when they’re ready to graduate to their own room and sleep independently in a cot.

While you don’t necessarily need to spend a lot of money on a cot, some good features to look for include multiple height adjustments, a drop side that makes it easy to get bubs in and out, a quality mattress and the ability to convert it into a toddler bed when the time comes.

It’s also worth purchasing a change table with storage below so you can keep everything you need within easy reach, a comfortable arm chair or rocking chair for the many hours of nursing you have ahead of you, a rug to warm up the room if it has floorboards or tiles, and a chest of drawers or other clothing storage solution so you can keep everything organised.

The decorative pieces

Now you’ve got the practical items sorted, it’s time to think about how you want to decorate the room.

If you want to create a room with Instagram-worthy styling, a good place to start is by deciding on a theme. Whether you choose to go with a particular colour scheme, or you have more specific ideas like creating an African jungle, a princesses’ castle, a unicorn wonderland or a metropolis of planes, trains and automobiles, the possibilities are endless.

Once you’ve worked out the overall direction you want to go in, you can start shopping around for items that team with the theme, like wall decals, artwork, bunting, linen and cushions that will help you bring the look to life.

The fun bits

Finally, you’re ready to add the finishing touches that will make the space a fun and exciting place where your child can play, relax and enjoy.

You’ll most likely need some sort of toy box to house the many toys that your child will accumulate (and believe us, there will be more than you expect), a bookcase which you can fill with all your favourite childhood classics, and a large comfy cushion they can relax on while reading said books.

Then finish it off with something like a cute rocking horse or colourful tee-pee and there you have it—a beautiful space that’s ready for the many years of playing, laughing, relaxing and learning that your little one has ahead of them!

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